Positive signs in new home construction but still a long way to goRead more
Builders urge caution over legislating fee free TAFERead more
Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Builders are confident the residential building boom has some way to run despite the 8.2 per cent fall in building…
“It is totally unacceptable for the CFMEU in Queensland to force contractors to sign a pattern agreement that imposes massive…
Residential building continues to do the heavy lifting in the economy, according to the latest building industry data released today….
Master Builders Australia welcomes the statement by Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb on skilled migration arrangements under the…
Master Builders Australia welcomes the Federal Court’s decision to fine the CFMEU for its racial vilification. “This is yet more…
Master Builders Australia welcomes Productivity Commission proposed recommendations to crack down on the use of phoenix companies where firms which…
Despite recent fears of a housing bubble, building approvals for May 2015 show that housing supply is yet to catch…
“The appointment of an independent chair and directors, proposed by Assistant Treasurer Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, will build on the…
Master Builders Australia welcomes the stand taken in the Parliament against the CFEMU’s aggression against women by the Minister for…
Master Builders Australia supports the call by Senators Xenophon, Lambie and Madigan for a Senate Inquiry into Non-conforming Building Products…
Master Builders has long recognised the importance of a strategic approach for the removal of asbestos from existing buildings and…
“The latest housing finance figures for April shows a welcome turnaround away from the focus on investment toward finance for…