Who we are
Our vision
A profitable and sustainable building and construction industry.
Our mission
The preeminent national advocate for building and construction.
About us
Master Builders Australia is the nation’s peak building and construction industry association. Over 130 years, the movement has grown to over 32,000 businesses nationwide, including the top 100 construction companies. Master Builders is the only industry association that represents all three sectors of the industry – residential, commercial and engineering/civil construction.
Master Builders’ members are the Master Builders state and territory associations.
Master Builders has a proud legacy as Australia’s oldest industry association. Founded to stand up for the rights of builders, Australia’s first Master Builders Association as established in Sydney in 1873. The movement quickly grew with Master Builders Associations being established in Newcastle (1874), Victoria (1875), Queensland (1882) and South Australia (1884).
Eleven years before Australia became a nation with the federation of the states, these four Associations met as a federation to establish Master Builders Australia as the national voice of their members and the building and construction industry. They were joined a year later by Master Builders Tasmania (1891) and subsequently by Master Builders Western Australia (1898), Master Builders ACT (1925) and Master Builders NT (1950).
Our network
32,000 members, 34 offices, 400 staff
With Master Builders Associations in each state and territory, offices in all capital cities and 34 locations throughout metro and regional Australia, Master Builders is the authentic voice of the nation’s building and construction industry.
Membership of Master Builders is a stamp of quality, a demonstration that a builder values high standards of skill, integrity and responsibility to clients. Master Builders is about supporting our members to run viable and profitable business.
To join Master Builders or find the right builder for your needs, contact your state or territory Master Builders Association.
About Master Builders Queensland
Master Builders is the peak industry association representing building and construction in Queensland since 1882. With more than 8,500 members, we are the voice of the industry. Our services support members to operate professional and profitable businesses that deliver superior quality outcomes to their customers.
Master Builders is the number one source of practical and relevant information regarding the Queensland building and construction industry. We keep our members informed with regular updates on changes to laws, codes and regulations, employment and wages, and health, safety and environment.
About Master Builders New South Wales
The Master Builders Association of NSW (Master Builders) is the leading building and construction industry association across the state. A not for profit organisation, it is chartered with representing and furthering the interests of the building and construction industry.
Master Builders provides representation and services to members and the industry in key areas such as industrial relations, workplace health and safety, legal and contracts, training and government regulation/legislation.
Master Builders also seeks to develop alliances with key organisations to provide members with direct commercial benefits.
Master Builders was established in 1873, making it the oldest employer association in Australia. With nearly 8000 members in NSW and eight regional offices throughout the state, Master Builders is the only industry body that represents all sectors within the building and construction industry.
About Master Builders Tasmania
Since being established in 1891 Master Builders Tasmania (MBT), has been active in seeking to improve the conditions under which the building industry operates. It’s a non-political and not-for-profit making organisation set up to safeguard and promote the interests of its members in their business of building and construction contracting, to assist them in the execution of their work and to encourage and promote a high standard of workmanship and integrity in the building industry.
About Master Builders Northern Territory
The Master Builders Association of Northern Territory (“Master Builders”) services builders, developers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants so that they can run successful businesses in the NT.
Master Builders NT has represented the building and construction industry in the Northern Territory since 1950. From 1980 – 2009 the trading name was changed to the Territory Construction Association. In 2009 members supported reverting to the Master Builders NT to acknowledge the national affiliation with the Master Builders Australia.
The primary role of Master Builders is to promote the views and interests of the building and construction industry. Master Builders also provides services to members in a broad range of areas including contracts, training, legal services, industrial relations, building codes and standards, industry economics and OH&S.
Master Builders has a broad range of members across the NT including Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek, Alice Springs and Nhulunbuy. Members are active in both commercial and residential sectors and are drawn from a range of trades, professions and backgrounds.
About Master Builders Newcastle
Master Builders’ Association is dedicated to helping and protecting its members through the extensive range of services provided. The general public, Councils and Governments seek the MBA’s opinion and expertise on any matter relating to the Building & Construction Industry in this region.
MBA is constantly changing to meet the dynamic needs and expectations placed upon it. The business community and the general public depend upon it. MBA’s core services include Industrial Relations, Occupational Health and Safety advice, Housing Matters, Training & Education and we are the largest Building Industry employer of apprentices in the region.
These services are complimented by discounts for members from a wide ranging business alliance partnership.
There are around 29,000 building industry employees in this region and our industry makes up 10% of the total Hunter’s workforce.
With over 900 member companies, Master Builders’ is the market leader in both the Housing and Commercial areas of the building industry. Members include commercial builders, housing builders, subcontractors, suppliers and professionals. Almost 95% of all commercial builders in the region are members, as are the overwhelming majority of housing builders.
We have several special interest groups such as MBA Kitchens & Bathrooms, and Women in Building & Associated Services, plus the largest social golf and bowls club in the region.
About Master Builders Australian Capital Territory
In the ACT, Master Builders was formed in 1925 and represents the interests of commercial builders, residential builders, civil contractors, suppliers/subcontractors and professionals. The MBA ACT is also a Registered Training Organisation and a Group Training Organisation.
Master Builders ACT has members from five sectors, these are:
- Residential Builders
- Commercial Builders
- Civil Contractors
- Sub-Contractors/Trade-Contractors & Suppliers
- Professional consultants
In addition to these the Master Builders has an associate membership for retirees and students that enjoy basic services provided by the association.
About Master Builders Victoria
The Master Builders Association of Victoria was established in 1875 by a group of distinguished builders intent on raising standards within the industry.
Since that time the organisation has grown to become a pre-eminent industry voice with members universally renowned for their reliability, skill and professionalism.
A broad based organisation, Master Builders services the needs of the entire industry, from residential to commercial and engineering businesses, principal contractors to subcontractors, manufacturers and suppliers.
We continually assist in developing the skills of our members by providing access to a wide range of services, an impressive degree of recognition, as well as representation to government and industry. Master Builders also serves the public of Victoria by fostering best practice work standards and acting as an independent advisory service.
Over our 140-year history, the Master Builders Association of Victoria has consistently provided innovative services for our members and their clients; we exist to serve their needs.
About Master Builders South Australia
Master Builders Association of South Australia (Master Builders SA) was established in 1884 to represent South Australia’s building and construction industry.
More than 130 years later, we take pride in doing the same thing, representing a complex sector that now comprises commercial builders, civil contractors, residential builders and specialist contractors as well as industry suppliers and manufacturers.
South Australia’s building and construction industry directly employs more than 55,000 South Australians, and indirectly supports tens of thousands more South Australian jobs. For this reason, Master Builders SA is committed to building a productive industry and a prosperous community and economy.
The industry undertakes about $15 billion of work every year, contributing more than $1 for every $7 of economic activity within the State. Indirectly, more than one-quarter of South Australia’s wealth is produced by the building and construction industry.
Master Builders SA is proud of the industry it represents, the jobs it creates, the 11,000 homes its members built and extended for families last year and the offices built for South Australian businesses.
About Master Builders Western Australia
The Master Builders Association of Western Australia (Master Builders) is a member-based association that services home builders, commercial builders, subcontractors, suppliers and consultants in both commercial and residential sectors across Perth and Western Australia. The association has been representing and promoting the views and interests of the building and construction industry in WA since 1898.
Master Builders services more than 1,600 member organisations and provides a broad range of services, which includes building contracts, training, building apprenticeships, legal services, industrial relations, technical advice, industry economics and safety advice.
Master Builders is active across the regions of WA, with offices in Perth, Albany, Bunbury, Geraldton and Kalgoorlie.