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Small Business Missing From Budget Reply


“Master Builders Australia acknowledges the Opposition Leader’s reiteration of Labor’s support for the domestic manufacturing sector and social housing, but we are disappointed that he made no announcement about how a Labor Government would support small business,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and will be the backbone of economic recovery,” she said.

“There are approximately 400,000 sole proprietors and SMEs in our industry, more than any other sector of the economy. These builders and tradies relish the opportunity to be their own boss, they are aspirational about building their business success and providing opportunities for others, every day they are building a stronger economy,” Denita Wawn said.

“These businesses are suffering a cost and cashflow crunch and there was no acknowledgement of this by the Leader of the Opposition in his Budget Reply or an announcement about how he would help them to continue driving the economic recovery,” she said.

“Master Builders is expecting much more from the Leader of the Opposition about Labor’s plan for economic recovery during the Federal Election campaign,” Denita Wawn said.

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