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Response to National Housing & Homelessness Plan Issues Paper


The Issues Paper to which this submission relates is designed to guide the inputs of stakeholders as part of the development of the National Housing & Homelessness Plan (NHHP). The NHHP represents a significant plank of the Federal Government’s housing reform agenda.

Once finalised, the NHHP will set out a 10-year strategy with a view to helping more Australians access safe and affordable housing. The Issues Paper to which we are responding seeks to clarify the thinking of stakeholders through offering a set of discussion questions.

Master Builders Australia’s response to the Issues Paper focuses on the four discussion areas where we are best placed to provide inputs. These are:

  1. Improving access to social housing: the role of industry;
  2. Delivering better affordability outcomes in the private market;
  3. Helping to enhance housing outcomes for all Australians; and
  4. Housing and the challenge of climate change.

In each of these areas, we offer a set of policy recommendations on how we see our industry best contributing to favourable outcomes. Our overarching view is that housing outcomes for all Australians can be significantly improved by making it easier and less costly for our industry to build the significant volume of new homes that are needed over the coming years.

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