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Recovery will continue riding on the ute’s back. Builders and tradies back budget


“Builders and tradies will strongly back the Budget. It will boost the confidence of the industry that the recovery can continue to largely ride on the ute’s back,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“This is not an accountant’s Budget it is a nation-builders. It’s a Budget for people that believe in this country’s future like the people who work in the nation’s 400,000 building and construction businesses,” she said.

“Governments usually struggle to successfully manage the transition of the economy back from life support to strong growth led by the private sector, but this Budget has the potential to succeed,” Denia Wawn said.

“Learning from history, the Treasurer has not been tempted to prematurely yank government support in fact he has doubled down on his first pandemic Budget. This will boost the confidence of builders and tradies that the economic recovery can be completed,” she said.

“Builders and tradies are big backers of themselves and their business success. Extending the highly successful instant asset write off scheme will mean the cash registers continue to ring as sales of utes and other business assets will continue bounce back to pre-pandemic levels,” Denita Wawn said.

“Building and construction SMEs have one of the lowest rates for uptake of technology. The Government’s investment in improving digital skills and capacity can make our industry even more productive,” she said.

“This Budget has linked good economic policy with good social policy,” Denita Wawn said.

“Home ownership is the key to economic security and vital for a strong economy. The Family Home Guarantee will be life changing for single custodial parents, the vast majority of whom are women. Combined with 10,000 new places under the New Home Guarantee it will and will mean that the people who build new homes and the people that want them continue as the lynchpin of recovery,” she said.

“The Treasurer has recognised that right now what women need is well paid jobs not gender wars. The new support for 5000 women to learn a trade in an industry like building and construction will be highly effective in boosting women’s economic security,” Denita Wawn said.

“Extending the Boosting Apprentice Commencement 50% wage subsidy will mean building and construction employers can give more people the opportunity to get onto the road to rewarding, secure and well paid employment in our industry,” she said.

“The establishment of the National Resilience and Recovery Agency to oversee programs including $600 million for community and household projects to mitigate the impact of natural disasters is good news and something that Master Builders has called for,” Denita Wawn said.

“The investment of an additional $15 billion the nation’s infrastructure will play a vital role not only in completing the economic recovery but underpinning a strong economy into the future. This will be complement by the $250 million for infrastructure for regional communities to be delivered by the Building Regions Fund,” she said.

“Ensuring that local contractors and subcontractors are able to tender for projects in their own communities will massively boost local economies and jobs. Adopting the successful local industry participation plans developed by Defence to the transport infrastructure program would see this outcome achieved,” Denita Wawn said.

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