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Master Builders welcomes the passing of the Government’s housing affordability bills


The passing of the Government’s housing affordability measures to assist first home buyers and people seeking to downsize is an important and positive outcome.

“These measures are an important step in tackling the issue of housing affordability that is impacting many in our community,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“Master Builders Australia has strongly supported the measures since they were announced in the Budget and welcomes the backing from the Senate crossbench for the legislation that will assist many prospective first home buyers in the communities which they represent,’ she said.

“The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) will be a boost for many people pursuing the dream of home ownership. There is no doubt that the so called ‘deposit gap’ is a real barrier to many seeking to enter the housing market for the first time,” Denita Wawn said.

“However, while a positive step, increasing the supply of more new homes must remain the primary focus of government at all levels if we are keep ownership within reach of all Australians,” she said.

“With population growth predicted for many of our cities increasing supply remains the only effective solution to ensuring that owning your home remains an integral part of the Australian life,” Denita Wawn said.

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