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Master Builders welcomes new look Cabinet and rebalanced policy agenda


Master Builders Australia welcomes Prime Minister Turnbull’s announcement of his Ministry to reflect his rebalancing of the Government’s policy agenda, particularly in driving a stronger economy, lifting productivity and creating livable communities.

“The Prime Minister’s commitment to a renewed and reinvigorated focus on implementing a policy vision for the economy will boost business, consumer and investor confidence and Master Builders welcomes the appointment of Hon. Scott Morrison MP as the new Treasurer,” Wilhelm Harnisch, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“Most welcome for Master Builders is the Prime Minister’s recognition of the role of livable and well-functioning cities as engines of economic growth and productivity.  It is an opportunity to work with the states/territories and local government to tackle the growing problem of housing affordability and to focus on investment, planning and delivery of urban infrastructure that will be overseen by Hon. Jamie Briggs MP as Minister for Cities and the Built Environment,” he said.

“Industrial relations reform can be a major driver of productivity growth and the restoration of the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) is an essential priority for the building and construction industry. Master Builders therefore welcomes the appointment of Senator Hon. Michaelia Cash as Minister for Employment to continue the Government’s pursuit of this vital reform,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

“Skills and education are also fundamental to productivity outcomes and Master Builders welcomes the continuing and enhanced responsibility of Senator Hon. Simon Birmingham as the new Minister for Education and Training. Master Builders also looks forward to working with the new Minister for Vocational Education and Skills the Hon. Luke Hartsuyker MP on reforms to more closely align the apprenticeship system with the needs of industry and young people,” he said.

“The building and construction industry is primarily made of more than 300,000 small businesses and Master Builders welcomes the appointment of the new Minister for Small Business Hon. Kelly O’Dwyer MP,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

“The new look Cabinet will be positive for the building and construction industry,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

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