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Master Builders backs PM’s vision for cities


“The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership in highlighting the importance of our cities as engines of economic growth and productivity and is fully supported by Master Builders Australia,” Wilhelm Harnisch, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“His Government’s proposal for investment in high quality urban infrastructure, including major public transport projects, is a much needed antidote to the increasing problem of traffic congestion that is holding back productivity and impacting on the quality of life in our major cities,” he said.

“The proposed infrastructure investment will restore the livability and connectedness of our communities and the improve viability of businesses,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

“The Prime Minister’s vision represents a roadmap for the future of our cities in meeting the economic and social challenges of Australia’s changing demographics and the concomitant infrastructure requirements identified in the Government’s Intergenerational Report,” he said.

“The challenges related to a jump in population of 16 million over the next 40 years, an aging of the population and dramatic contraction of the tax base, highlights the need for more productive and livable cities,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

“The Government’s asset recycling initiative is an important component and Master Builders in calling for its expansion, echoes the call from the Minister for Cities and the Built Environment Hon. Jamie Briggs MP for state and territory governments to bring forward proposals for innovative urban infrastructure projects,” he said.

“Master Builders looks forward to working with Environment Minister Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Cities and the Built Environment Hon. Jamie Briggs MP and Minister for Major Projects Hon. Paul Fletcher MP to implement Prime Minister Turnbull’s vision,” Wilhelm Harnisch said.

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