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Labor must be consistent on lawbreakers


Labor’s announcement that an elected Shorten Government will strengthen measures to tackle ‘phoenixing’ activity and bolster its Director Identification Policy (DIN) policy is a step in the right direction.

“While greater detail will be needed, moves to call out the worst offenders and broaden availability of existing sanctions are positive steps,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“Phoenix activity is bad for the building and construction industry and the overwhelming majority of builders who do the right thing. Master Builders have long supported the introduction of a DIN as it means existing laws can be more effectively enforced without the need for extra red-tape,” she said.

“Subject to the safeguards as foreshadowed, Labor’s strengthened measures will also see existing laws used in a more targeted way to crack down on serial offenders who have been convicted of breaking the law, including disqualification orders,” Denita Wawn said.

“However, Master Builders now calls on Labor to also support the Government’s Fair Work (Ensuring Integrity) Bill that also proposes measures to crack down on union officials and organisations convicted of breaking the law, including disqualification orders for serial offenders,” she said.

“There should be real consequences for those convicted of breaking the law whether it is a company and its directors, or a union and its officials. We call on Labor to be consistent to support measures to crack down on both,” Denita Wawn said.

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