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Improved mental and physical wellbeing must be high priority


Master Builders Australia urges builders, contractors and tradies to make their physical and mental health a priority.

“Maintaining physical and mental wellbeing should be the priority of all participants in the building and construction industry. It’s a shared responsibility and employers and employees should all play their part,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said.

“Master Builders is deeply concerned by reports that the building and construction industry has the highest rate of suicide of any industry. The industry must work together to support the mental health of its people,” she said.

“That’s why Master Builders strongly supports the work of construction industry mental health organisations Mates in Construction and OzHelp which have both recently received funding from the Government,” Denita Wawn said.

“August is National Tradie Health Month and Master Builders urges all those working in the building and construction industry to make themselves aware of the risks of injury, the signs of mental stress and seek assistance if required,” Denita Wawn said.

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