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Fresh allegations of CFMMEU bullying small business to sign union deals confirms necessity of ensuring integrity laws


Fresh proceedings announced by the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) confirms that building unions are determined to continue their infamous history of law breaking and bullying small business.

The latest case, alleged to involve a concerted campaign by the CFMMEU to force a crane company onto a union deal, shows why the Parliament must urgently pass the Ensuring Integrity laws.

Master Builders Australia’s CEO Denita Wawn said, “It’s clear that building unions are determined to continue doing whatever they want to get their way, even if it means breaking the law and bullying small business.”

“Obviously some unions just won’t learn to play rules like everyone else, which is why we need the Ensuring Integrity laws,” she said.

The ABCC alleges that throughout the campaign last October, the union:

  • Broke right of entry laws.
  • Engaged in coercive conduct.
  • Took unlawful picket action.
  • Entered a worksite without permission, warning or notification.
  • Approached heavy machinery while in operation.
  • Refused to leave a worksite when asked.
  • Refused to undergo mandatory site inductions.
  • Failed to move to a safe location when asked.
  • Raised safety concerns but refused to leave once addressed.
  • Used cars to stop access in and out of three separate building sites.
  • Threatened that “things would get ugly” unless their demands were met.

“This one proceeding involves are raft of allegations, including bulling and intimidation, which are totally unacceptable in any situation let alone a workplace,” Denita Wawn said.

“Unions don’t need to threaten small business, repeatedly the law, or deploy a campaign of intimidation and thuggery to represent their members,” she said.

“Unions have a comprehensive set of rights. protections and privileges under the Fair Work laws and if they can’t use them legally and lawfully, they shouldn’t have them” Denita Wawn said.

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