Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Master Builders Australia welcomes HAFF round two fundingRead more
Industrial disputes reach highest level in over a decadeRead more
Master Builders Australia welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) Principles and scope of…
Master Builders submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into non-conforming building products
Master Builders submission to Treasury on draft legislation on modernising business registers and director identification numbers
Master Builders submission in response to the Building Ministers Forum (BMF) Discussion Paper on labelling for Aluminium Cladding Products (ACPs)
Master Builders welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the Australian Government’s proposed future directions for apprenticeship support services and…
Master Builders Submission to Senate Employment and Education Committee on Fair Work (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill
Master Builders Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the draft National Urban Policy. Our members are critical to the…
This submission is in response to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s discussion paper on developing…
Submission to Senate Education and Employment Committee on the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity Bills) 2016
Master Builders Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation relating to Housing Australia’s (HA) Investment Mandate Direction.
Master Builders Australia joint submission with the Property Council on the Australian Building Codes Board complex buildings definition
Master Builders submission on the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Supporting Economic Recovery) Bill 2020.