Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Master Builders Australia welcomes HAFF round two fundingRead more
Industrial disputes reach highest level in over a decadeRead more
Submission to the Australian Building Codes Board Discussion Paper 2020
Master Builders Australia submission to Treasury on what the building and construction industry is calling for in the 2020 October…
Master Builders submission to the Productivity Commission Interim Report on its Review of the National Agreement on Skills and Workforce…
Master Builders joint application to the Fair Work Commission to vary the On-site, Joinery and Mobile Cranes Awards
Master Builders Australia letter to the National Cabinet through the Prime Minister on contractual issues arising from COVID-19 delays to…
Analysis of what the impact of COVID-19 is likely to be on the residential building sector
Master Builders advocacy framework in response to Covid-19 impacts on the building and construction industry
Results of survey on the impact of Covid-19 on building and construction businesses
Submission on the Student Amendment Bill 2019
Master Builders Pre-Budget Submission for the 2020-21 Federal Budget
Master Builders submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the National Agreement on Skills and Workforce Development
Submission to COAG on the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways to building trade apprenticeships