Industrial disputes reach highest level in over a decadeRead more
Statement on Fair Work Commission Inquiry into Master Builders VictoriaRead more
Red flags fly in new GDP figures warns Master BuildersRead more
New research shows Australians think housing crisis is getting worseRead more
Albanese Government leaves skilled construction machinery workers in the lurchRead more
Despite recent fears of a housing bubble, building approvals for May 2015 show that housing supply is yet to catch…
“The appointment of an independent chair and directors, proposed by Assistant Treasurer Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, will build on the…
Master Builders Australia welcomes the stand taken in the Parliament against the CFEMU’s aggression against women by the Minister for…
Master Builders Australia supports the call by Senators Xenophon, Lambie and Madigan for a Senate Inquiry into Non-conforming Building Products…
Master Builders has long recognised the importance of a strategic approach for the removal of asbestos from existing buildings and…
“The latest housing finance figures for April shows a welcome turnaround away from the focus on investment toward finance for…
“The heightened debate in Federal Parliament about housing affordability is welcomed but Master Builders calls for a bi-partisan and rational…
“The boost in building approvals for detached houses signals the welcome entry of more non-investors into the housing market,” Peter…
Building and construction continues to be a strong performer driving new investment and jobs and in the economy according the…
Master Builders welcomes the identification of areas for possible reform by the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption…
“The dip in finance commitments for the construction and purchase of new dwellings highlights the need for the Budget to…
“There are more than 300,000 small businesses (more than any other industry) in the building and construction industry who are…