Positive signs in new home construction but still a long way to goRead more
Builders urge caution over legislating fee free TAFERead more
Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Master Builders Australia welcomes Prime Minister Turnbull’s announcement of his Ministry to reflect his rebalancing of the Government’s policy agenda,…
Master builders welcomes the positive conclusion to an economically damaging industrial dispute that should not have been allowed to occur…
Master Builders welcomes the Government’s decision to require drug and alcohol testing on construction sites. “Master Builders strongly supports the…
Master Builders Australia congratulates the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP on his election as Leader of the Liberal Party and as…
The latest data for July 2015 shows that investors continue to drive growth in housing finance for new dwellings. “Growth…
The vital work of the Royal Commission must now continue unfettered and free from future claims of bias following Justice…
“Master Builders welcomes the support of Senators, including those from the cross bench, who voted to restore the Australian Building…
Conditions in the commercial construction sector have fallen back into negative territory according to the latest Master Builders National Survey…
Master Builders Australia has highlighted the complexity and the need for user friendly construction industry award with the release of…
Communities will be the beneficiaries if the Senate decides to vote to reestablish the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC)…
The latest housing finance data for June 2015 shows that the growth in housing finance for new dwelling is slowing….
The Productivity Commission Draft Report on the industrial relations framework downplays a number of concerns expressed by employers about the…