Positive signs in new home construction but still a long way to goRead more
Builders urge caution over legislating fee free TAFERead more
Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Total dwelling approvals moved back into positive territory in April, up by 4.4 per cent over the month, measured in…
Moves to crackdown on ‘phoenix’ activity, announced by the Australian Labor Party, are a step in the right direction. “Master…
The Government’s move to extend the duration and expand the eligibility of the $20,000 tax write off, introduced in the…
New economic modelling commissioned by Master Builders Australia forecasts that the $75 billion infrastructure and housing affordability measures announced in…
The Housing Finance statistics, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, continue to show volatility, but with a positive result…
The Budget Reply Speech is an important contribution to the national debate. “Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s focus on training more…
“The Budget will be a boost for more 340,000 builders and tradies in every city, town and region,” Denita Wawn,…
Master Builders is looking to the Budget for measures to boost confidence and increased activity in the building and construction…
“The Budget must provide financial incentives for state governments to slash the hidden taxes, charges, red tape and regulatory creep…
Apartment approvals fell by 28.4 per cent in March, supporting a fall in total dwelling approvals of 19.9 per cent….
Labor’s new housing affordability policies are an important contribution to the national debate and are welcomed by Master Builders Australia….
Changes to the temporary skilled migration program announced today are welcomed by Master Builders Australia. “Providing Australians with jobs, and…