Engineering construction keeps the economy movingRead more
Building approvals drop highlights rocky foundations says Master BuildersRead more
New Centre of Excellence will play a crucial role says Master BuildersRead more
Master Builders Australia welcomes HAFF round two fundingRead more
Industrial disputes reach highest level in over a decadeRead more
What does gig work have to do with self-employed tradies working in one of the oldest professions in history, the…
There has been movement from the Federal Government today in response to Master Builders advocacy with the Minister for Industrial…
Changes to key construction Modern Awards made by the Fair Work Commission as part of its Modern Award Review case…
In repsonse to the changed environment brought on by COVID-19 Master Builders has launched a joint push with other industry…
Regulator confirms its BAU despite virus disruption A quarterly meeting of the ABCCs Security of Payment Working Group was held…
Changes to WHS laws now in force give regulators controversial new powers. Prohibited asbestos now subject of removal notices under…
CFMMEU heads to court over whistleblower proceedings. Fights hard in the first week to stop Royal Commission evidence being considered….
ACCI’s WHS Committee meets to discuss WHS Model Laws Review and latest WHS survey results. Joint meeting of WHS and…
Master Builders National Director Safety, Contracts & Workplace Relations, Shaun Schmitke says that the unions’ are continuing their war on…
Master Builders Senior Adviser – Safety, Constracts & Workplace Relations, Rebecca Sostarko sheds some light on court proceedings involving two…
Members might be forgiven for thinking that the work of the National Office has been squarely on the Corona Virus…
Actions of the CFMMEU and its officials have been condemned by two different courts in two recent decisions Sam McGregor, Master…