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Submission to Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Independent Review of the Federal Safety Commissioner


This submission is made in response to the discussion paper published on the Department’s website entitled ‘Independent Review of the Federal Safety Commissioner’ (‘the Discussion Paper’).

Master Builders’ overall position

Master Builders strongly supports the work of the Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner (‘OFSC’) and its role to ensure industry participants engaging in federally funded work prioritise improvements in safety practices and culture.

Master Builders submits that the Australian Government Building and Construction Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (‘the Scheme’) administered by the OFSC both meets and exceeds its stated policy intent, and its operation has delivered real, tangible and ongoing improvements in safety outcomes for accredited participants and the building and construction industry more broadly.

While Master Builders’ response to the individual questions posed within the Discussion Paper is outlined below, it is our broad view that (save for some minor alterations) the existing framework of the Scheme and powers of the FSC are largely appropriate and should be maintained. Additionally, the Scheme and OFSC exemplify the significant benefits that arise when Government and industry participants adopt a consultative and constructive approach to addressing defined industry-specific matters in a concerted manner.

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