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Senator Lambie delivers win for Tasmania’s builders and the community


“News of Senator Jacqui Lambie’s intention to support the Government in extending the powers of the current building industry regulator is a big win for Tasmania’s building industry and our community,” Michael Kerschbaum, Executive Director of Master Builders Tasmania said.

“Master Builders Tasmania welcomes news of Senator Jacqui Lambie’s support to extend the compulsory powers of Fair Work Building and Construction for two years,” he said.

“This is a win for Tasmania and Master Builders Tasmania is heartened that Senator Lambie recognises the need for the FWBC’s compulsory powers to be in place while she and the other members of the Senate crossbench seriously consider re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC),” Michael Kerschbaum said.

“Senator Lambie has delivered an important win for Tasmania’s building industry and the community. Master Builders welcomes news of her decision to stand up for more jobs in her community and more affordable schools, hospitals and community infrastructure for Tasmanians,” he said.

“Unions have rights but so does the Tasmanian community,” Michael Kerschbaum said.

“Her support would mean builders, contractors and young apprentices could go about their work free from intimidation and coercion from the CFMEU,” Michael Kerschbaum concluded.

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