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Increasing housing supply is essential for providing affordable and accessible homes for households of all income levels, ensuring that everyone has a place to call home.

We must solve the housing crisis

We are not building enough homes in Australia to give people the choice to either own or rent a home or have access to emergency accommodation.

This lack of housing supply is leading to rising rents, homelessness, and higher mortgages, which negatively impacts the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

The building and construction industry is facing significant challenges to get enough homes built to meet demand.

Challenges include tradie shortages, high material costs, planning system delays, draconian industrial relations laws and other regulatory hurdles that do nothing to improve building quality or safety.

These challenges have resulted in delayed projects, increased construction costs, and reduced productivity.

Simply put it’s too expensive and takes too long to build in Australia.

The Federal Government wants to build 1.2 million homes over the next five years but we will not meet this goal unless urgent action is taken to reduce unneccessary cost and time delays.

All levels of government must work together to change laws that make it easier and more attractive to build new homes.

Sign our petition to call on the Federal Government to play their part in solving the housing crisis and make sure we bring down inflation, train more tradies, repeal damaging industrial relations change, remove red tape, and help states with planning reforms and building critical infrastructure.

How is the current housing crisis affecting you?

Let us know by entering your answer below.

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"We have been building contract homes for the last 25 years and never seen this industry facing so many challenges. Town planning and government red tape needs to be fixed. The last thing we need is more changes, "

Brent - Power

"The government compliances are getting out of hand and costing the building industry a fortune. Most builders and readies are fair and honest. We are treated like the majority are crooks. "

Chris Briggs - CM Briggs Builder Pty Ltd

"Council need to stop over emphasising on small/minor things and stamp those structurally safe plans! "


"Our enquire level is very small it has come to a standstill waiting months for jobs to come out of council . One job last week will take minimum of 8 months in town planning (why?) We have work in council but so many holdups"

Julie carroll - Jj carroll buildrers

"The NSW Building Portal has increased DA/CC costs, is a slow "

Colin Jewell - Jewell Builders Pty Ltd

"So many hoops to jump through when building. Too many fees, charges and taxes have pushed up the price to build a new home. We need to cut red tape to cut costs and speed up the process before we have tent cities across the nation. "


"To complete the house we need builders not accountants!"

Naresh Malhotra - Marigold

"It shouldn't take as long as it does to build a home! We need to speed it up."


"We need more affordable housing."


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